Behind the ScenesSharing the stories behind my most favorite travel photos
The Portrait
I was recently reunited with a box of my belongings that I shipped from Korea when I left nearly 4 years ago.
Gili Trawangan |Indonesia
This is a story all about how I ended up in Bali all by myself…
I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there, I’ll tell you all about how this trip came out of thin air.
Guatapé | La Piedra
I’ve been to Guatapé twice and wouldn’t hesitate to go again. It is one of my favorite little towns in Colombia. When I lived in Medellín…
A Foggy Day in Quarantine
The fog was so thick this morning, it completely changed the landscape of our favorite two blocks, which made me reach for my camera on our way out the front door…
Bunkers del Carmel | Barcelona
I left Barcelona in the Fall of 2013. I would return every year during winter break to celebrate Thanksgiving and my birthday.
2016 was a bit different because …
Koh Chang |Thailand
I learned about this Thai island the week before when I was traveling in Vietnam.
I met two lovely German girls who had just come from Thailand so they gave me some tips of things to see and places to go…