Ep 5: Pandemic Projects

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Arghhhh! Quarantine!

Like almost everyone this past year, I was thrown into the unknown when we went into quarantine and honestly, I freaked out.

I’ve struggled in the lockdown, but still tried to look for the good in my situation. The silver lining for me has been the unexpected gift of time. Now I don’t want it to seem like I hit the ground running and was super productive from “go”, because that’s far far far from the reality of the situation. I was in a state of shock for a good 6 months.

What I’ve Been Up To

What Saved Me

The biggest takeaway from the past year has been self compassion. My cup runneth over with it. It’s legit the best thing ever! Try it! Also, try to extend compassion to others….it’s so freeing. Let it gooooooo!!!! You never know what someone is going through, so don’t take anything too personally. I mean, unless they talk about your mama.

I’m also grateful for the journaling that I’ve done during the past year thanks to my yoga practice. Now, I have a little day by day account of what I was doing and how I was feeling during one of the most difficult moments I’ve ever lived through. Looking back at that time, which seems like ages ago and just yesterday all at once, I’m glad I took the time to write it all down. Thanks, yoga! You da best.

Kimmy Yogini

Guess what? I bought the domain name for my yoga business. Yippee! Guess what happened a week later? I decided I didn’t want to be a yoga teacher. Hahahaha! Really! I love yoga and it’s taught me so much and I am beyond ecstatic to have done the deep dive into my practice. I am a legit #yogiforlife. What it did do though, was reignite my passion for learning. As a teacher, I rarely get the opportunity to be on the other side, and wow! I want to sign up for all the courses now.

Remember that no experience is ever wasted. What you’ve gained is a new skill and new knowledge that you didn’t have before. And knowledge is power.

Follow along: @kimmy yogini

The Takeaway

Change is the spice of life. Seriously. Don’t be stagnant. Try all the things, pivot, pivot again and keep on until you find your passion. If you already have found it, lean into it. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself or try something new just for the sake of it. We are multifaceted beings who change and evolve with time and maturity. Don’t buy into the idea that you are “too xx” to do whatever the heck you want to do. Just do it! (Nike had it right)

And You?

What have you been doing to pass the time. Have you tried something new? Picked up an old hobby?

Tell me about your “Pandemic Projects” in the comments below.

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